Often when I talk to people about money, they know just one thing – they want more of it. Fair enough, I guess. But why? What would you do with more money? How much more do you want? That’s why you need to know your goals.
For many, it is just a little extra they want. They don’t hate their job, but it doesn’t pay quite enough. They are always a little behind at the end of the month. A few hundred dollars per month would take the pressure off, maybe even allow them to save. That’s one goal.
Others are in some measure of financial trouble. They have large debts, and they can’t imagine ever paying them off. Earning more isn’t about going on vacation, or even saving for retirement; it is about getting that anchor off from around their neck. If this is your goal – it’s a good one. It’s also amazing when you really look at it how much of a difference a little extra money can make, if applied well.
Then there are those who dream of wandering. They read The Four Hour Work Week and want to wander the world with a stream of money pouring in. It probably won’t happen as quickly as the book makes it seem, but this too is totally possible. Especially when you consider how cheaply you can live in some places, a pretty modest monthly income can allow you to have the nomad lifestyle you want.
Lastly, some people want all the money. They dream of Italian sports cars and private jets. There are a lot of reasons for wanting to be hugely wealthy, and it is certainly understandable. Modern society makes wealth seem like the solution to all of our problems. For this group – well, it’s possible, but not easy, not quick, and not guaranteed. Still – the US alone has 18.61* million millionaires, so there is no reason you can’t be one. It isn’t a goal for everyone, but for some, it is what they want, so they may as well be honest about it.
Goal setting helps define the path. If all you want is a little extra, maybe finding ways to economize can be enough. Maybe it isn’t worth setting up dropshipping and print on demand stores, building email lists and affiliate marketing. But if you are willing to put in the effort up front, those paths can provide the money you need to reach your goals. Best figure out what they are.
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*according to Forbes – https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2019/10/22/the-countries-with-the-most-millionaires-infographic/#62d69ffc65fa
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash