The best answer I can come up with is that it saves time and money, on the way to making money and freeing up time. Think of it:
- The drop shipper saves by not needing a warehouse.
- The drop shipper saves by not having to keep a bunch of inventory that may or may not sell.
- The drop shipper saves the time and effort of packaging and shipping everything.
- The drop shipper doesn’t need staff to do these things, again saving time and money.
What about the seller- the one with the warehouse full of product? Why would they do it?
- The seller doesn’t need to do all of the marketing work – the drop shipper does that.
- The seller doesn’t need to have the slickest e-commerce web site – the drop shipper will do the selling.
- With an army of sales agents out there, few products will stagnate. Some enterprising drop shipper will find a buyer!
This method has helped many people to generate less active income. It can be the ideal side hustle, taking up as little of your time as you can spare.
Can I Do It? I’ve Never Drop Shipped Before.
Short answer – yes, you can do it. You don’t need to be a computer guru, although basic computer skills are required. Seeing as you are reading this blog, you probably have at least basic computer literacy. You may even be more knowledgeable than you think. And what you don’t know, you can learn. If the goal is to better your life – isn’t it worth a little effort up front? We aren’t talking about going to university to study computer science. In many cases all that is required is to fill out forms online.
This method is so simple that anyone can do it: you supply the motivation. It is not complicated and many supply companies provide advisors to help you so that when you first start up you will know what to do to expect. The online advisors can also help to solve any problem you might be having. Take advantage of this – good, free advice and help is hard to come by.
Another benefit of this approach is that your risk is really low. Even if you sign up for the most expensive funnel system, automated email service, and premium drop ship supply membership, you are likely to have a trial period of 2-4 weeks. Take advantage of these trials. They won’t be long enough for you to start raking in big money, but they will be long enough – if you get to work – to show you that you have (or can learn) the skills needed to get started.
Depending on the route you take, it can be simple or complex to start selling things. Selling on E-Bay – pretty simple. Selling with a Shopify site – still simple. Setting up your own e-commerce site – a little more complicated, but can be simplified by using sites like Squarespace, or outsourcing the design. Selling through Amazon – can be tricky to set up, but once running it is pretty straightforward. With a little help, they can all be done. (If you are having trouble – post a question in the forums)
Salehoo is one supplier source I recommend. They have thousands of suppliers, and a ton of good content for helping get your drop shipping business off the ground. When you become a big success – don’t forget where you first learned of them. (Of course, there is a lot of content in the forums and on the premium blog you won’t find there. CLICK HERE)
Find even more valuable drop shipping content, including a free e-book, in the premium blog. Sign up HERE!