Sorry everyone – been offline for a while. One of my other businesses got super busy, and it needed my full-time attention for a bit. But something I saw on the news caught my attention. Various politicians are talking about ‘restarting the economy.’ Now, I’m not saying the current situation isn’t hard on people – it is terrible for many. The pandemic Covid 19 has taken a huge toll on people and businesses. Though the cost in human lives in incalculable, the financial burden on many has been a disaster too. But much of the economy is still running. In fact, this time can be a boom time for online businesses. Have you tried to buy anything off of Amazon lately? Get ready for shipping delays.
So what type of businesses deserve our extra attention? I can think of a few that would absolutely thrive right now. Various forms of online retail, affiliate marketing, and online services come to mind.
Online stores are pretty much all that is open in many places right now, so that option seems pretty obvious. Other than grocery stores and pharmacies, most everything else is closed, or very, very limited. Now, there are some cautions to have. Be careful of promises on shipping times. Don’t be predatory in your pricing – if you have a crate of N95 masks sitting around, don’t be selling them for 20x their usual retail – that can get you in trouble with the government. And recognize that many are feeling an income squeeze, so let that inform your choice of products. But there are definitely opportunities there. Tomorrow’s post will go into more detail.
Affiliate marketing – right now many are at home instead of at work, and many of them are online, looking for a way to at least partially replace their lost income. Can you help? This type of work can be a real win-win; you make money through affiliate marketing, and you help someone to help their financial situation. There are many options, but the “make money online” niche is one which is particularly helpful. Make sure you have a good product, and work your traffic sources! One of my favorite products for those looking to get started is ClickBank University. – Click here to learn more. More discussion on this in Friday’s post.
Saturday’s post will focus on online Gig work. As many try to start their online business, they will run into something they don’t know how to do. Maybe they need help with website design, video editing, voice overs, or bookkeeping. If these are things you can do, then this is a chance to help others while making money yourself. What fields, gigs or industries should you consider? Check back Saturday.
I’m going to do longer posts on each of these over the next few days, but let me know in the comments – what types of business do you think are ready to roll now, as opposed to once the quarantine is lifted?
Below is a favorite quote of mine. This feels like a time for beginning something special.